Saturday, December 2, 2023

Update/Correct Payroll Relationship Number - HCM

A Payroll relationship gets created automatically when you hire an employee or create other types of person records, such as candidates and pending workers. A payroll relationship is an association between a person and a payroll statutory unit.

It is the same number as person number or assignment number(s) but few cases you would find where it doesn't matches or not in sync with person number.

How we can correct this?

There are two options:
1> Prerequisite: "Person Number Generation Method" must be set to Manual
                             (Setup & Maintenance > "Manage Enterprise HCM Information")
    > Now search the affected Employee from person management
     > Go to Manage Person, scroll down and edit the 'Person Number' and save/submit.
     > Re-search the employee and numbers should be in sync 

2.) If there are more than one employees affected or above option doesn't work run the 'Payroll Relationship Number Upgrade' process

     > First create a (Payroll > Object Groups) Payroll relationship Group with affected payroll relationship numbers
     > Then Payroll > Submit a Flow -> 'Run feature upgrade ' and select  'Payroll Relationship Number Upgrade' process

         >> Provide the above crated Payroll Relationship Group as free text in Additional Information field

It should solve the issue.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Amend Notification Subject Lines

One of my clients had a requirement to change the notification subject line 

Ex: For 'Annual Leave' the original subject line is
'Approval of Annual Leave Request for XXX YYY from 2022-07-10 to 2022-09-10'

They want this to be changed as 'Annual Leave is Submitted Successfully for XXX YYY'

Lets see how we can achieve this

You can do this from BPM Task Configuration

Prerequisite: You should have  'Application Implementation Consultant' role 

Now go to BPM Worklist, there are two ways to go there 

1> Click on the bell icon on the home page and click on 'More Details'
2> Setup and Maintenance > Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital Management

Now go to 'Administration' > Task Configuration

Since this is Absence Approval so search for AbsencesApprovalTask

Now click on Edit pencil and then on Globe icon at the end of the Title

Now, keep the language English and give any key as 'DEMO_ABSENCE_TITLE' and in the expression provide the title you want Ex:  {0} is submitted successfully for {1}
{0} is the Absence Type and {1} is the person Name

Click on the 'Arguments' pencil icon and provide arguments for token {0} and {1}

Click on the expression builder icon
Now expand the Variables for task:payload > AbsenceApprovalrequest > AbsenceType 
and Insert into Expression 

It should be /task:task/task:payload/ns0:AbsencesApprovalsRequest/ns0:AbsenceType

Same for the token {1}
task:payload > AbsenceApprovalrequest > PersonName
and Insert into Expression 

It should be /task:task/task:payload/ns0:AbsencesApprovalsRequest/ns0:PersonName

Click on OK

Click on OK

And then Save, Commit and OK

And job done! :)

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

An internal assertion test couldn't be completed at location ReportUtils.callJavaClass5

 While running the 'Make EFT Payment' process for a terminated employee I have received the below error

Error An internal assertion test couldn't be completed at location ReportUtils.callJavaClass5

Error The bank account associated to this payment has a start date after the payment process date.

Issue was related to the personal payment method with that particular employee, there were two payment methods active for the payment period, please check if that is the case. After end dating one of those, EFT process went fine. 

It does happen when you create a new payment method and instead of doing "Correction" to the old one you do the "Update", which creates a date effective records.

Other solution is, you can set the 

"Historic Payment Removes the validation to look for active banks as of the process date in payments processes."

flag to 'Y' in the 'Payroll Process Configuration' for Default group, by default it is No. By the definition it will bypass the validation for inactive banks.

Navigation: My Client Group -> Show More -> Payroll Process Configuration under 'Payroll' section

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

FF: Exception in Trans to Main Mapping

Did you encounter the below error with fast formula? 

If yes, this means your formula body is not properly defined, please handle the no error section properly


/*I assume your 1st part is working fine :)*/

IF <condition> 









