Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Chlld Concurrent requests goes into Inactive and No manager state

When you are calling fnd_request.submit_request and setting sub request parameter as TRUE to create the parent child relationship, all the child requests finish as Inactive/No Manager.

Set the parent program as PAUSED, this will allows the successful execution of child requests.

So the sequence to use fnd_request.submit_request with sub_request as TURE is

--It will be null for first time parent scan by concurrent manager.
lc_req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;
IF lc_req_data IS NULL THEN
   l_reqid := fnd_request.submit_request
                                    (application     => <Program application short name>
                                    ,program         => <Program short name>
                                    ,description      => ''
                                    ,start_time       => SYSDATE
                                    ,sub_request => TRUE
                                    ,argument1      => <Argument(s)>

    -- Set program status as 'PAUSED'. Setting this status will make sure that parent will wait till all child  gets completed. Otherwise they will finish as Inactive/No Manager
    fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals(conc_status    => 'PAUSED',

                                                               request_data => '1'
ELSIF  lc_req_data = 'END' THEN

Ref: (Doc ID 2282106.1)

The Parent field of the Child Request is Null

When you use the fnd_request.submit_request to call a concurrent program it does populate the parent_request_id column in the fnd_concurrent_requests but it keeps the 'Parent' field null in the SRS window.

Here is comes the use of the 4th parameter of the submit_request, SUB_REQUEST.
Default value is 'FALSE' but set to TRUE if the request is submitted from another running request and has to be treated as a sub request. This creates the parent child relationship.

Related Link: Chlld Concurrent requests goes into Inactive and No manager state

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

MS SQL Server Setup: To continue, select a feature to install. If all features are already selected, these features are installed. You cannot add additional features

While installing Microsoft SQL server I was repeatedly getting below error

TITLE: Message Details
To continue, select a feature to install. If all features are already selected, these features are installed. You cannot add additional features.
> From the message it seems that SQL Server Management Studio has already been installed but I was not able to find the same in "All Programs".

Solution: Try to RUN "ssms.exe" and see if you can find it.

SSMS: SQL Server Management Studio