Sometimes you need to default parameters for end
users while creating the document.
There are some parameters you need to set achieve this.
Go to the respective form function
Navigation: Application Developer > Application >
Function > ‘Form’ Tab > Parameters
Frequently used parameters
> &bne:validation=Y this used to be True or False
> &bne:rows=all Flagged rows : The parameters are
FLAGGED or ALL it may be case sensitive
> &bne:viewer=BNE:EXCEL2010
> &bne:content
>> Content value
select application_id ||
':' || content_code content
from bne_contents_tl
where user_name like 'XXAK%'
and language = 'US'
>> Integrator and
layout Values
select integrator_app_id
|| ':' || integrator_code integrator
, b.application_id || ':' || a.layout_code
from bne_layouts_tl a
,bne_layouts_b b
where user_name like 'XXAK%'
and a.layout_code = b.layout_code
and language = 'US'
>&bne:allow 'Yes' 'No' -- used for 'Upload Parameter'
window to appear or not
>&bne:import=N / Y : This will set 'Automatically
submit Transaction import' to No or Yes when uploading transactions to the
>&bne:import=Y/N : Whether you import automatically
or not
>&bne:importPost=Y/N Y : Indicates 'Posting errors to suspense' should be set.
>&bne:importSummary=Y/N : Import in Summary Mode or
>&bne:importFlex=IMPORTVALIDATION : Description
Flexfield validation
> Once these values are
defaulted correctly then set the profile option
"BNE Allow Set Parameters" at the appropriate level to enforce the default values.
"BNE Allow Set Parameters" at the appropriate level to enforce the default values.
> Clear the cache or stop
and restart apache to ensure that the change has taken effect
Navigation: Functional Administrator > Core Services >
Caching Framework > Global Configuration > Clear All Cache