Sometimes you need to default parameters for end
users while creating the document.
Like Integrator/Viewer/Reporting/Layout/Content
There are some parameters you need to set achieve this.
Go to the respective form function
Navigation: Application Developer > Application >
Function > ‘Form’ Tab > Parameters
Frequently used parameters
> &bne:validation=Y this used to be True or False
> &bne:rows=all Flagged rows : The parameters are
FLAGGED or ALL it may be case sensitive
> &bne:viewer=BNE:EXCEL2010
> &bne:content
>> Content value
select application_id ||
':' || content_code content
from bne_contents_tl
where user_name like 'XXAK%'
and language = 'US'
>> Integrator and
layout Values
select integrator_app_id
|| ':' || integrator_code integrator
, b.application_id || ':' || a.layout_code
from bne_layouts_tl a
,bne_layouts_b b
where user_name like 'XXAK%'
and a.layout_code = b.layout_code
and language = 'US'
>&bne:allow 'Yes' 'No' -- used for 'Upload Parameter'
window to appear or not
>&bne:import=N / Y : This will set 'Automatically
submit Transaction import' to No or Yes when uploading transactions to the
>&bne:import=Y/N : Whether you import automatically
or not
>&bne:importPost=Y/N Y : Indicates 'Posting errors to suspense' should be set.
>&bne:importSummary=Y/N : Import in Summary Mode or
>&bne:importFlex=IMPORTVALIDATION : Description
Flexfield validation
> Once these values are
defaulted correctly then set the profile option
"BNE Allow Set Parameters" at the appropriate level to enforce the
default values.
> Clear the cache or stop
and restart apache to ensure that the change has taken effect
Navigation: Functional Administrator > Core Services >
Caching Framework > Global Configuration > Clear All Cache