Thursday, November 25, 2021

Create an Inbound Interface process using HCM Extract - Automated process to upload an HDL file (Part-2)

 We will be creating only a dummy HCM extract here just to use the 'Initiate HCM Data Loader' feature  as data extraction and transformation we are already doing in our BI report.

> My Client Group > Data Exchange > HCM Extracts > Extract Definitions 

Use the + sign to create a new extract of type 'Inbound Interface'

In the Parameters section add a parameter called Auto Load (Tag Name = Auto_Load) with Data Type as "Text" with Default Value as "Y". 
>> In new releases this parameter is already there but hidden. Click on 'Show hidden parameters' and update the Default Value to "Y" and Save

For the Data Group I have taken "PER_EXT_ASG_STATUS_DETAILS_UE" as User Entity as it returns very less row count.

In Data group Filter criteria, I have put condition as "1=2" so that it doesn't return any data set
Edit > Put the condition 1=2 and 'Add Constant' and ‘Ok’
In the Data Group create a Data Record and then a Dummy Attribute called "Dummy Field" with Data Type as "Text", Type "String" and string value has been passed as "Demo"
Dummy Record
Save, It will generate a fast formula and then create a dummy attribute

Now for the Extract Delivery Option, you can pass the details as below :
    Start Date               : 01/01/1901
    End Date                 : 12/31/4712
    Delivery Option Name     : HDLDemoOutput
    Output Type              : Text
    Report                   : <pass the BI Report path here ; 
                           Ex: /Custom/UoE Data Migration/UserCatHDLReport/HDLCallDemoRpt.xdo
    Template Name    : <pass the eText template name here;
                           Ex: HDLCallDemo
    Output Name              : HDLCallDemoOpt
    Delivery Type            : Inbound Interface
    Required/Bursting Node   : ticked

In the "Additional Details" section please pass the details as below :
   Encryption Mode          : None
   Override File  Extension : .dat
   Run Time File Name       : User
   Integration Name         : UserCategoryUpdate
   Integration Type         : Data Loader
   Integration Parameters   : blank
   Key                      : blank
   Locale                   : blank
   Time Zone                : blank
   Compress                 : Yes Compress
   Compressed Delivery Group:

** Integration Name : 1st 8 characters will be used in the content ID name during the HDL call for this extract.
It starts with DL_<1st 8 characters from Integration Name  in upper case>_ProcessID 
              EX: DL_USERCATE_1092672

Now navigate to Home --> My Clients Groups > Data Exchange > HCM Extracts> Refine Extracts
Search for the dummy HCM Extract which has been created. Select the HCM Extract and click on the "Edit" button.

Once the HCM Extract is opened, in the "Tasks" tab, under Flow Task the HCM Extract name will be present. Now click on the "Actions" button and select the option "Select and Add".

A search popup will appear and search the task "Initiate HCM Data Loader" (Generate HCM Data Loader file and optionally perform a data load). Now select the task and click on the "Done" button.
Now select the task "Initiate HCM Data Loader" click on the "Go to Task" button.
             2 options will be there :
                    a> Data Loader Archive Action
                    b> Data Loader Configuration

Select the 1st option "Data Loader Archive Action".Click on the "Edit" button.
In the "Parameter Basis" dropdown, select the option "Bind to Flow Task".
In the "Basis Value" dropdown, select the option "Extract Name , Submit , Payroll Process"
                                              Ex: HDLCallDemo, Submit, Payroll Process

Now select the 2nd option "Data Loader Configuration". Click on the "Edit" button.
In the "Parameter Basis" dropdown, select the option "Constant Bind".
In the "Basis Value" multiline text box, please provide the below details : ImportMaximumErrors=100,LoadMaximumErrors=100,LoadConcurrentThreads=8,LoadGroupSize=100

Now click on the "Next" button and then click on the "Submit" button. You might get error to compile the fast formula, please do so. You can ignore the warnings

It's time now to submit the HCM Extract and check the Inbound Interface process. 

HCM Extracts > Submit Extract

You can check the 
HCM Data Extracts > View Extract Results

In case of any error, you can download the report for the last stuck process from the Instance Details and check for the error details

Now check if it has triggered the HDL load or not

HCM Data Loader > Import and Load Data

‘Show filters’ and remove your User Name and search as it won’t be against your User. You can see the Data Set been called, content ID/Data Set Name explanation has given above.

Import and Load both are successful, so it's all good at the end :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, was waiting for this part. Very helpful....
