Thursday, June 4, 2015

Expense Report Stuck In 'AP approval process/Block' After Manager Approval

Few days back I got a situation where APEXP workflow failed for manager approval because manager had left the job and related role/user was not valid.

I then updated the workflow attributes with correct manager details and rewind it so it went to new manager and got approved but got stuck in 'AP approval process/Block' activity.

What 'Block' function does?
The Block function lets you pause a process until some external program or manual step completes.
You can not skip this activity.

I checked the ap_expense_report_headers_all table, coumn 'source' had value 'NonValidatedWebExpense' and column workflow_approved_flag had value 'M'

Before going further lets know about source/workflow_approved_flag columns values and meaning

Column: source

Expense report transaction has been inserted into the expense report transaction tables but have not passed the Payables Validation Function in the Server Side Validation Process of the Expense Report Workflow process. This transaction is not viewable in the Oracle Payables Enter Expense Reports Window.

Expense Report transactions has successfully passed the Payables Validation function in the Expense Report Workflow Server Side Validation Process and is viewable in the Oracle Payables Enter Expense Reports Window. Transaction has not completed the Expense Report Workflow yet.

If Expense Report was created through the Web Interface (identified by the workflow_approved_flag), expense report transaction has successfully completed the Expense Report Workflow process and is ready to be picked up by Oracle Payables Invoice Import program.

Expense Report transaction has successfully completed the expense Report Workflow process and is ready to be picked up by Oracle Payables Invoice Import program.

Column: workflow_approved_flag

If Expense Report transaction is created from the web (check the source), then expense report has been submitted, but not been manager or payables approved. Expense Report transactions not created from the web will have workflow_approved_flag = NULL.

Expense Report transaction has been saved and not yet fully completed or submitted.

Implicit save, in OIE.K/R12 there is an implicit save when navigating from one page to another.

Expense Report transaction has been Manager rejected.

Expense Report transaction has been Manager approved.

Expense Report transaction has been Payables approved.

Expense Report transaction has been ‘Automatically’ approved, i.e. Manager approved but Payables approval not needed because expense report didn’t need payables to check for receipts or policy.

Expense Report has been Withdrawn.


Expense Report transaction has been both Manager and Payables approved.

> Now when I checked the workflow, 'AP Audit Expense Report' process was completed with result 'Audit'. 'Block' activity was waiting this process to complete with result approved/auto approved.

>> Try to rewind the 'AP Audit Expense Report' process, if it does not work check with payables if any approval is pending.


  1. hello, i have exactly the same issue , rewind the 'AP Audit Expense Report' but norhing is working.there are no approvals pending we have only immediate supervisor approval

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