l_mode varchar2(10) := 'CRITERIA'; --'ASG'
--- DECLARE variables for HR_ASSIGNMENT_API.update_emp_asg
--- IN variables
l_assignment_id number := 123456;
l_normal_hours number := 37;
l_probation_period number := 6;
l_probation_unit varchar2(4) := 'M';
l_contract_id number := 4;
l_assignment_status_type_id number := 1;
l_sob_id number := 1;
l_default_expense_ccid number := 1234;
l_frequency varchar2(4) := 'W'; --Weekly
l_bargaining_unit_code varchar2(4) := 'FTE';
--- OUT variables
l_asg_object_version_number number := 3;
l_cagr_grade_def_id number;
l_cagr_concatenated_segments varchar2(300);
l_concatenated_segments varchar2(300);
l_soft_coding_keyflex_id number;
l_comment_id number;
l_effective_start_date date;
l_effective_end_date date;
l_no_managers_warning boolean := false;
l_other_manager_warning boolean := false;
l_hourly_salaried_warning boolean := false;
l_gsp_post_process_warning varchar2(300);
--- DECLARE variables for HR_ASSIGNMENT_API.update_emp_asg_criteria
--- IN variables
l_payroll_id number := 125;
l_organization_id number := 5678;
l_position_id number := 9904567;
l_job_id number := 3456;
l_location_id number := 12345;
l_grade_id number := 12;
--- OUT variables
ln_ceil_step_id number;
ln_keyflex_id number;
lc_concatenated_segments varchar2(1000);
ln_people_group_id number;
lb_org_now_no_manager_warn boolean;
lb_other_manager_warning boolean;
lc_group_name varchar2(1000);
ld_start_date date;
ld_end_date date;
lb_spp_delete_warning boolean;
lb_entries_changed_warning varchar2(10);
lb_tax_district_changed_warn boolean;
lc_gsp_post_process_warning varchar2(1000);
if l_mode = 'ASG' then
/* This API updates employee assignment details which do not affect entitlement
* to element entries.
* The assignment must be an employee assignment. The assignment must exist as
* of the effective date of the change
(p_validate => false --in boolean default false
,p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate)
,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION'
,p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id
,p_assignment_status_type_id => l_assignment_status_type_id
,p_default_code_comb_id => l_default_expense_ccid
,p_set_of_books_id => l_sob_id
,p_normal_hours => l_normal_hours
,p_probation_period => l_probation_period
,p_probation_unit => l_probation_unit
,p_contract_id => l_contract_id
--,p_notice_period => l_notice_period
--,p_notice_period_uom => l_notice_period_uom
,p_frequency => l_frequency
,p_bargaining_unit_code => l_bargaining_unit_code
,p_ass_attribute5 => to_char(sysdate,'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS')
,p_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
,p_cagr_grade_def_id => l_cagr_grade_def_id
,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
,p_cagr_concatenated_segments => l_cagr_concatenated_segments
,p_concatenated_segments => l_concatenated_segments
,p_comment_id => l_comment_id
,p_effective_start_date => l_effective_start_date
,p_effective_end_date => l_effective_end_date
,p_no_managers_warning => l_no_managers_warning
,p_other_manager_warning => l_other_manager_warning
,p_hourly_salaried_warning => l_hourly_salaried_warning
,p_gsp_post_process_warning => l_gsp_post_process_warning
if (l_gsp_post_process_warning is not null or l_no_managers_warning = true
or l_other_manager_warning = true or l_hourly_salaried_warning = true) then
dbms_output.put_line('Warning processing API: hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg');
dbms_output.put_line('Success ');
end if;
elsif l_mode = 'CRITERIA' then
/* This API updates attributes of the employee assignment that affect the
* entitlement criteria for any element entry.
* The assignment must be an employee assignment. The assignment must exist as
* of the effective date of the change
( p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate)
, p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION'
, p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id
, p_validate => false --lb_validate_mode
, p_called_from_mass_update => false
, p_position_id => l_position_id
, p_job_id => l_job_id
, p_payroll_id => l_payroll_id
, p_grade_id => l_grade_id
, p_location_id => l_location_id
, p_organization_id => l_organization_id
-- In/Out
, p_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
, p_special_ceiling_step_id => ln_ceil_step_id
, p_people_group_id => ln_people_group_id
, p_soft_coding_keyflex_id => ln_keyflex_id
-- Out
, p_group_name => lc_group_name
, p_effective_start_date => ld_start_date
, p_effective_end_date => ld_end_date
, p_org_now_no_manager_warning => lb_org_now_no_manager_warn
, p_other_manager_warning => lb_other_manager_warning
, p_spp_delete_warning => lb_spp_delete_warning
, p_entries_changed_warning => lb_entries_changed_warning
, p_tax_district_changed_warning => lb_tax_district_changed_warn
, p_concatenated_segments => lc_concatenated_segments
, p_gsp_post_process_warning => lc_gsp_post_process_warning
if (lb_org_now_no_manager_warn = true or lb_other_manager_warning = true
or lb_spp_delete_warning = true or lb_entries_changed_warning <> 'N'
or lb_tax_district_changed_warn = true or lc_gsp_post_process_warning is not null)
dbms_output.put_line('Error: API update_emp_asg_criteria Failed ');
dbms_output.put_line('Success ');
end if;
end if ;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Error: '||sqlerrm);
l_mode varchar2(10) := 'CRITERIA'; --'ASG'
--- DECLARE variables for HR_ASSIGNMENT_API.update_emp_asg
--- IN variables
l_assignment_id number := 123456;
l_normal_hours number := 37;
l_probation_period number := 6;
l_probation_unit varchar2(4) := 'M';
l_contract_id number := 4;
l_assignment_status_type_id number := 1;
l_sob_id number := 1;
l_default_expense_ccid number := 1234;
l_frequency varchar2(4) := 'W'; --Weekly
l_bargaining_unit_code varchar2(4) := 'FTE';
--- OUT variables
l_asg_object_version_number number := 3;
l_cagr_grade_def_id number;
l_cagr_concatenated_segments varchar2(300);
l_concatenated_segments varchar2(300);
l_soft_coding_keyflex_id number;
l_comment_id number;
l_effective_start_date date;
l_effective_end_date date;
l_no_managers_warning boolean := false;
l_other_manager_warning boolean := false;
l_hourly_salaried_warning boolean := false;
l_gsp_post_process_warning varchar2(300);
--- DECLARE variables for HR_ASSIGNMENT_API.update_emp_asg_criteria
--- IN variables
l_payroll_id number := 125;
l_organization_id number := 5678;
l_position_id number := 9904567;
l_job_id number := 3456;
l_location_id number := 12345;
l_grade_id number := 12;
--- OUT variables
ln_ceil_step_id number;
ln_keyflex_id number;
lc_concatenated_segments varchar2(1000);
ln_people_group_id number;
lb_org_now_no_manager_warn boolean;
lb_other_manager_warning boolean;
lc_group_name varchar2(1000);
ld_start_date date;
ld_end_date date;
lb_spp_delete_warning boolean;
lb_entries_changed_warning varchar2(10);
lb_tax_district_changed_warn boolean;
lc_gsp_post_process_warning varchar2(1000);
if l_mode = 'ASG' then
/* This API updates employee assignment details which do not affect entitlement
* to element entries.
* The assignment must be an employee assignment. The assignment must exist as
* of the effective date of the change
(p_validate => false --in boolean default false
,p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate)
,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION'
,p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id
,p_assignment_status_type_id => l_assignment_status_type_id
,p_default_code_comb_id => l_default_expense_ccid
,p_set_of_books_id => l_sob_id
,p_normal_hours => l_normal_hours
,p_probation_period => l_probation_period
,p_probation_unit => l_probation_unit
,p_contract_id => l_contract_id
--,p_notice_period => l_notice_period
--,p_notice_period_uom => l_notice_period_uom
,p_frequency => l_frequency
,p_bargaining_unit_code => l_bargaining_unit_code
,p_ass_attribute5 => to_char(sysdate,'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS')
,p_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
,p_cagr_grade_def_id => l_cagr_grade_def_id
,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
,p_cagr_concatenated_segments => l_cagr_concatenated_segments
,p_concatenated_segments => l_concatenated_segments
,p_comment_id => l_comment_id
,p_effective_start_date => l_effective_start_date
,p_effective_end_date => l_effective_end_date
,p_no_managers_warning => l_no_managers_warning
,p_other_manager_warning => l_other_manager_warning
,p_hourly_salaried_warning => l_hourly_salaried_warning
,p_gsp_post_process_warning => l_gsp_post_process_warning
if (l_gsp_post_process_warning is not null or l_no_managers_warning = true
or l_other_manager_warning = true or l_hourly_salaried_warning = true) then
dbms_output.put_line('Warning processing API: hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg');
dbms_output.put_line('Success ');
end if;
elsif l_mode = 'CRITERIA' then
/* This API updates attributes of the employee assignment that affect the
* entitlement criteria for any element entry.
* The assignment must be an employee assignment. The assignment must exist as
* of the effective date of the change
( p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate)
, p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION'
, p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id
, p_validate => false --lb_validate_mode
, p_called_from_mass_update => false
, p_position_id => l_position_id
, p_job_id => l_job_id
, p_payroll_id => l_payroll_id
, p_grade_id => l_grade_id
, p_location_id => l_location_id
, p_organization_id => l_organization_id
-- In/Out
, p_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
, p_special_ceiling_step_id => ln_ceil_step_id
, p_people_group_id => ln_people_group_id
, p_soft_coding_keyflex_id => ln_keyflex_id
-- Out
, p_group_name => lc_group_name
, p_effective_start_date => ld_start_date
, p_effective_end_date => ld_end_date
, p_org_now_no_manager_warning => lb_org_now_no_manager_warn
, p_other_manager_warning => lb_other_manager_warning
, p_spp_delete_warning => lb_spp_delete_warning
, p_entries_changed_warning => lb_entries_changed_warning
, p_tax_district_changed_warning => lb_tax_district_changed_warn
, p_concatenated_segments => lc_concatenated_segments
, p_gsp_post_process_warning => lc_gsp_post_process_warning
if (lb_org_now_no_manager_warn = true or lb_other_manager_warning = true
or lb_spp_delete_warning = true or lb_entries_changed_warning <> 'N'
or lb_tax_district_changed_warn = true or lc_gsp_post_process_warning is not null)
dbms_output.put_line('Error: API update_emp_asg_criteria Failed ');
dbms_output.put_line('Success ');
end if;
end if ;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Error: '||sqlerrm);
Please, I have ran series of API for assignments criteria for newly created employees, but not working what could be the problem?
DeleteI hope you are passing all the mandatory parameters, what error you are getting?
I entered all the mandatory fields for this API: hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg_criteria only,
Deleteor do i need to also run hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg.
The assignment_id, is it the person type are they referring to here or ASSIGNMENT_ID in the assignment table
The procedure will completed successfully and committed but when i checked it in the front end,it has not effect.
Please, Help.
If you are updating only criteria, no need to call update_emp_asg. assignment_id is the assignment_id. Is it an employee or contingent worker? are you committing it after the API call?
Deleteprovide me your anonymous API calling block here.
The API is more than what I can paste here, this page is complaining of 4,096 characters. if you can send me your mail
ReplyDeleteWhen, try to debug the script, it gives me this error:
ReplyDeleteError report -
ORA-20001: The primary key specified is invalid
Cause: The primary key values specified are invalid and do not exist in the schema.
Action: Check the primary key values before attempting to carry out the operation again.
ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_ASSIGNMENT_API", line 16095
ORA-06512: at line 30
Why trying to make further research i got this error:
ReplyDeleteError report -
ORA-20001: The primary key specified is invalid
Cause: The primary key values specified are invalid and do not exist in the schema.
Action: Check the primary key values before attempting to carry out the operation again.
ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_ASSIGNMENT_API", line 16095
ORA-06512: at line 30
You will get an email option on clicking on my profile name. In between please double check the datatype of all the parameters.
DeleteI have sent you a mail.
DeleteThank you.
Ademola - Not sure, if the issue is resolved for you. If this is not yet resolved and you're facing this issue in the database, please follow the below steps.
ReplyDeleteTo implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Set NLS_LANG to 'US' or ‘AMERICAN’ in TOAD/SQL Developer:
a. For SQL Developer:
1. Select Tools > Preferences > Database > NLS Parameters
2. Update to have Language = AMERICAN and Territory = AMERICA
b. For TOAD:
1. Access NLS Parameters, from the Database menu
2. Select Administer| -> NLS Parameters
2. Retest the issue.
3. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is with the out parameter l_asg_object_version_number not being passed correctly. Its is a bug on this API.
Select the object_version_number from assignment table for the assignment ID and pass it to the API.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting error while calling hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg_criteria API.
Hi Ankush1818,
DeleteWere you able to solve the Error: