's been a long time since I've posted here. Currently I am working on an HRMS project so I shall try to provide the details of HRMS related APIs and try to cover as many as possible.
I have noticed that below three parameters are common and important for these APIs.
1> Date track mode
>> I won't explain the date track mode in detail, please refer the script below. I hope I have given the enough description above each mode there.
2> Validate mode
>> It's better to use the API first in the validate mode with passing this parameter as TRUE and then in process mode by passing this parameter as FALSE.
3> Version number
>> Make sure you pass the correct version number.
I shall start with Organization Management APIs (Org/position/hierarchy) followed by Personal Administration(PA) (Person/Contacts/Assignment/Termination) and at last the User account one (User/Responsibility). - Please refer posts under HRMS lebels.
-- Determine the date track mode
lv_assignmnet_id number;
lv_effective_date date;
-- DT_API Output Variables
lv_correction boolean;
lv_update boolean;
lv_update_override boolean;
lv_update_change_insert boolean;
lv_mode varchar2(50);
-- determine the datetrack mode
(p_effective_date => lv_effective_date,
p_base_table_name => 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F', --'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
p_base_key_column => 'ASSIGNMENT_ID', --'PERSON_ID'
p_base_key_value => lv_assignmnet_id, --lv_person_id
--Out Variables
p_correction => lv_correction,
p_update => lv_update,
p_update_override => lv_update_override,
p_update_change_insert => lv_update_change_insert
if lv_correction then
--Correction - Over writes the existing record, no history will be maintained
elsif lv_update then
--Inserts a new record effective as of the effective date parameter and keeps the history
elsif lv_update_override then
--Future dated changes - do insert then overrides the future record
elsif lv_update_change_insert then
--Future dated changes - do insert and keeps the future record
end if;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Error: '||sqlerrm);
I have noticed that below three parameters are common and important for these APIs.
1> Date track mode
>> I won't explain the date track mode in detail, please refer the script below. I hope I have given the enough description above each mode there.
2> Validate mode
>> It's better to use the API first in the validate mode with passing this parameter as TRUE and then in process mode by passing this parameter as FALSE.
3> Version number
>> Make sure you pass the correct version number.
I shall start with Organization Management APIs (Org/position/hierarchy) followed by Personal Administration(PA) (Person/Contacts/Assignment/Termination) and at last the User account one (User/Responsibility). - Please refer posts under HRMS lebels.
-- Determine the date track mode
lv_assignmnet_id number;
lv_effective_date date;
-- DT_API Output Variables
lv_correction boolean;
lv_update boolean;
lv_update_override boolean;
lv_update_change_insert boolean;
lv_mode varchar2(50);
-- determine the datetrack mode
(p_effective_date => lv_effective_date,
p_base_table_name => 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F', --'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
p_base_key_column => 'ASSIGNMENT_ID', --'PERSON_ID'
p_base_key_value => lv_assignmnet_id, --lv_person_id
--Out Variables
p_correction => lv_correction,
p_update => lv_update,
p_update_override => lv_update_override,
p_update_change_insert => lv_update_change_insert
if lv_correction then
--Correction - Over writes the existing record, no history will be maintained
elsif lv_update then
--Inserts a new record effective as of the effective date parameter and keeps the history
elsif lv_update_override then
--Future dated changes - do insert then overrides the future record
elsif lv_update_change_insert then
--Future dated changes - do insert and keeps the future record
end if;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Error: '||sqlerrm);
Thanks a lot for the solution!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for this post