>> Please provide the User Profile Option Name as an Input.
select fpo.profile_option_name "Profile Option Name"
, fpot.user_profile_option_name "User Profile Option Name"
, fpot.description
, fpo.start_date_active "Start Active Date"
, fpo.end_date_active "End Date Active"
, fpo.creation_date "Creation Date"
, fu.user_name "Created By"
, 'Site' "Level"
, 'SITE' "Level Value"
, fpov.profile_option_value "Profile Option Value"
from fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_user fu
where fpot.user_profile_option_name like '%'||:profile_name||'%'
and fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and fpo.application_id = fpov.application_id
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fpo.created_by = fu.user_id
and fpot.language = userenv('Lang')
and fpov.level_id = 10001 /* site level */
union all
select fpo.profile_option_name "Profile Option Name"
, fpot.user_profile_option_name "User Profile Option Name"
, fpot.description
, fpo.start_date_active "Start Active Date"
, fpo.end_date_active "End Date Active"
, fpo.creation_date "Creation Date"
, fu.user_name "Created By"
, 'Appl' "Level"
, fa.application_name "Level Value"
, fpov.profile_option_value "Profile Option Value"
from fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_user fu
, fnd_application_tl fa
where fpot.user_profile_option_name like '%'||:profile_name||'%'
and fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fpo.created_by = fu.user_id
and fpot.language = userenv('Lang')
and fpov.level_id = 10002 /* application level */
and fpov.level_value = fa.application_id
union all
select fpo.profile_option_name "Profile Option Name"
, fpot.user_profile_option_name "User Profile Option Name"
, fpot.description
, fpo.start_date_active "Start Active Date"
, fpo.end_date_active "End Date Active"
, fpo.creation_date "Creation Date"
, fu.user_name "Created By"
, 'Resp' "Level"
, frt.responsibility_name "Level Value"
, fpov.profile_option_value "Profile Option Value"
from fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_user fu
, fnd_responsibility_tl frt
where fpot.user_profile_option_name like '%'||:profile_name||'%'
and fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fpo.created_by = fu.user_id
and frt.language = userenv('Lang')
and fpot.language = userenv('Lang')
and fpov.level_id = 10003 /*responsibility level */
and fpov.level_value = frt.responsibility_id
and fpov.level_value_application_id = frt.application_id
union all
select fpo.profile_option_name "Profile Option Name"
, fpot.user_profile_option_name "User Profile Option Name"
, fpot.description
, fpo.start_date_active "Start Active Date"
, fpo.end_date_active "End Date Active"
, fpo.creation_date "Creation Date"
, fu.user_name "Created By"
, 'User' "Level"
, fu2.user_name "Level Value"
, fpov.profile_option_value "Profile Option Value"
from fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_user fu
, fnd_user fu2
where fpot.user_profile_option_name like '%'||:profile_name||'%'
and fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fpo.created_by = fu.user_id
and fpov.level_id = 10004 /* user level */
and fpov.level_value = fu2.user_id
and fpot.language = userenv('Lang')
order by "User Profile Option Name", "Level", "Level Value"
select fpo.profile_option_name "Profile Option Name"
, fpot.user_profile_option_name "User Profile Option Name"
, fpot.description
, fpo.start_date_active "Start Active Date"
, fpo.end_date_active "End Date Active"
, fpo.creation_date "Creation Date"
, fu.user_name "Created By"
, 'Site' "Level"
, 'SITE' "Level Value"
, fpov.profile_option_value "Profile Option Value"
from fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_user fu
where fpot.user_profile_option_name like '%'||:profile_name||'%'
and fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and fpo.application_id = fpov.application_id
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fpo.created_by = fu.user_id
and fpot.language = userenv('Lang')
and fpov.level_id = 10001 /* site level */
union all
select fpo.profile_option_name "Profile Option Name"
, fpot.user_profile_option_name "User Profile Option Name"
, fpot.description
, fpo.start_date_active "Start Active Date"
, fpo.end_date_active "End Date Active"
, fpo.creation_date "Creation Date"
, fu.user_name "Created By"
, 'Appl' "Level"
, fa.application_name "Level Value"
, fpov.profile_option_value "Profile Option Value"
from fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_user fu
, fnd_application_tl fa
where fpot.user_profile_option_name like '%'||:profile_name||'%'
and fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fpo.created_by = fu.user_id
and fpot.language = userenv('Lang')
and fpov.level_id = 10002 /* application level */
and fpov.level_value = fa.application_id
union all
select fpo.profile_option_name "Profile Option Name"
, fpot.user_profile_option_name "User Profile Option Name"
, fpot.description
, fpo.start_date_active "Start Active Date"
, fpo.end_date_active "End Date Active"
, fpo.creation_date "Creation Date"
, fu.user_name "Created By"
, 'Resp' "Level"
, frt.responsibility_name "Level Value"
, fpov.profile_option_value "Profile Option Value"
from fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_user fu
, fnd_responsibility_tl frt
where fpot.user_profile_option_name like '%'||:profile_name||'%'
and fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fpo.created_by = fu.user_id
and frt.language = userenv('Lang')
and fpot.language = userenv('Lang')
and fpov.level_id = 10003 /*responsibility level */
and fpov.level_value = frt.responsibility_id
and fpov.level_value_application_id = frt.application_id
union all
select fpo.profile_option_name "Profile Option Name"
, fpot.user_profile_option_name "User Profile Option Name"
, fpot.description
, fpo.start_date_active "Start Active Date"
, fpo.end_date_active "End Date Active"
, fpo.creation_date "Creation Date"
, fu.user_name "Created By"
, 'User' "Level"
, fu2.user_name "Level Value"
, fpov.profile_option_value "Profile Option Value"
from fnd_profile_options_tl fpot
, fnd_profile_options fpo
, fnd_profile_option_values fpov
, fnd_user fu
, fnd_user fu2
where fpot.user_profile_option_name like '%'||:profile_name||'%'
and fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
and fpo.created_by = fu.user_id
and fpov.level_id = 10004 /* user level */
and fpov.level_value = fu2.user_id
and fpot.language = userenv('Lang')
order by "User Profile Option Name", "Level", "Level Value"
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