It is a very old topic but still find it interesting. Few days ago one of my good friend was asking about this, so I thought why not write an article on it?
I generally use this method when I have a single group for my report.
Step-by-step instruction to create a XML report using pl/sql package.
1> Prepare your query based on your business requirement.
2> Write a pl/sql packaged procedure to generate XML data.
3> Register the packaged procedure in Test application (Ex. Concurrent program short code : XXSAMXML).
4> Add to the respective request group.
5> Run the report and save the output as sample.xml
6> Create a rtf template (sample.rtf) on MS Word based on sample.xml (using BI Publisher Desktop)
BI Publisher Desktop, a client side tool which consits of a plugin to MS Word for building of RTF templates and the Template Viewer that can help you to test and debug all BI Publisher templates.
> Check if BI Publisher Desktop patch has been installed on your machine, if not you can download it from here respective to you desktop machine
> After installing this patch a new option with BIpublisher/'Template Builder' will appear in MS Word toolbar.
> Sometimes it does not, before MS 2010, what you can do is,
Goto Tools > Templates --> Add-Ins
> Check the in Global templates and Add-ins
> One more way to do
Goto Start > All Programs > Oracle BI Publisher Desktop > Template Viewer
> Working directory would be the directory where your xml file and template is there
> Select the data and Template and 'start Processing'
7> Registering this template in application.
> Create Data Definition
> Go to 'XML Publisher Administrator' > Data Definitions > Create Data definition
Imp:- Code must be same as the Concurrent Program Short name as XXSAMXML
> Create Template
> Click on 'Template' Tab and create the same.
> Browse and Add the previously created rtf (sample.rtf) as Template File.
1> 'XML Publisher Administrator' not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator
> Change your browser, IE to Mozila or Crome
> Logon to Functional Administrator responsibility
> Goto Core services > Caching Framework > Global configuration > Clear All Cache
> It should solve your issue.
2> "You are trying to access a page that is no longer active. - The referring page may have come from a previous session. Please select Home to proceed."
> Avoid using TAB key and use the flashlight icon to open up the List of Values.
3> Excel issue while opening the output file.(Only if you have selected output format as Excel in Data Definition)
"The file you are trying to open xxx.xlsx is in a different format than specified by the file extension. verify the file is not corrupted and is from trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?"
> Goto Start > Run > regedit
> Right click in the right window and choose New -> DWORD with name 'ExtensionHardening' and Value '0'.
Sample Packaged Procedure
1> Package Specification
CREATE OR REPLACE package apps.xx_sample_pkg
--// object name :: xx_sample_pkg
--// object type :: package specification
--// parameters :: n/a
--// object description :: This package contains all the procedures and
--// functions used for demostrating xml pl/sql report
--// vers author date description
--// 1.0 Abhay Kumar 24/10/2012 initial build
procedure xx_sample_proc (
p_errbuf out varchar2
,p_retcode out number
,p_due_date in varchar2
end xx_sample_pkg;
2> Package Body
CREATE OR REPLACE package body APPS.xx_sample_pkg
--// object name :: xx_sample_pkg
--// object type :: package Body
--// parameters :: n/a
--// object description :: This package contains all the procedures and
--// functions used for demostrating xml pl/sql report
--// vers author date description
--// 1.0 Abhay Kumar 24/10/2012 initial build
-- procedure: log_message
-- write message to concurrent log file
procedure log_message (p_message_in in varchar2)
apps.fnd_file.put_line (apps.fnd_file.log, p_message_in || '.');
end log_message;
-- -------------------------------------------------
-- procedure generate_xml
-- procedure to generate xml from the data in a clob
-- field
-- -------------------------------------------------
procedure generate_xml
p_ref_cur in sys_refcursor,
p_row_tag in varchar2,
p_row_set_tag in varchar2,
x_xml_data out nocopy clob
l_ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxhandle;
-- create a new context with the sql query
l_ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newcontext (p_ref_cur);
-- add tag names for rows and row sets
dbms_xmlgen.setrowsettag(l_ctx, p_row_tag);
dbms_xmlgen.setrowtag(l_ctx, p_row_set_tag);
-- generate xml data
x_xml_data := dbms_xmlgen.getxml (l_ctx);
when others then
log_message('Error generating XML ');
end generate_xml;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- procedure print_xml_data
-- procedure to print xml data
-- ----------------------------------------------
procedure print_xml_data (p_xml_data in clob) is
l_amount number;
l_offset number;
l_length number;
l_data varchar2(32767);
l_length := nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(p_xml_data),0);
l_offset := 1;
l_amount := 16000;
exit when l_length <=0;, l_amount, l_offset, l_data);
apps.fnd_file.put(apps.fnd_file.output, l_data);
l_length := l_length - l_amount;
l_offset := l_offset + l_amount;
end loop;
when others then
log_message('Unexpected Error printing XML Output ');
end print_xml_data;
-- procedure: xx_sample_proc
procedure xx_sample_proc (
p_errbuf out varchar2
,p_retcode out number
,p_due_date in varchar2
-- local variables
v_due_date date;
lv_date_to date;
lv_xml_data clob;
l_data_qry_cur sys_refcursor;
l_row_tag varchar2(4000);
l_row_set_tag varchar2(4000);
l_task_from varchar2(3);
l_task_to varchar2(3);
l_data_qry_cur := null;
if p_due_date is not null then
select to_date(p_due_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
into v_due_date
from dual;
when others then
log_message('Error while converting Dates. '||sqlerrm);
end if;
log_message('From Date : '||v_due_date);
-- Data Query
open l_data_qry_cur for
'select invoice_num invoice_number,vendor_name supplier_name,segment1 supplier_number,vendor_site_code supplier_site,name operating_unit, invoice_date, due_date,cancelled_date,
invoice_amount,amount_paid,amount_remaining, invoice_amount,amount_remaining,Message
(select i.invoice_num,v.vendor_name,v.segment1,vs.vendor_site_code,,to_char(i.invoice_date,''DD/MM/YYYY'') invoice_date,to_char(ps.due_date,''DD/MM/YYYY'') due_date,to_char(i.cancelled_date,''DD/MM/YYYY'') cancelled_date,
i.invoice_amount,i.amount_paid,ps.amount_remaining, SUM(i.invoice_amount),sum(ps.amount_remaining),''Bank Details Are Missing On Invoice'' Message
from ap_payment_schedules_all ps,
ap_invoices_all i,
ap_suppliers v,
ap_supplier_sites_all vs,
hr_operating_units hu
where 1=1
and i.invoice_id = ps.invoice_id
and i.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
and i.vendor_site_id = vs.vendor_site_id
and i.payment_status_flag =''N''
and hu.organization_id = vs.org_id
and (nvl(ps.amount_remaining, 0) * nvl(i.exchange_rate,1)) != 0
and trunc(due_date) <= trunc(nvl(:v_due_date,due_date))
and i.external_bank_account_id is null
and exists (select ''Account Exixts''
from apps.iby_account_owners ao
where ao.account_owner_party_id = v.party_id)
group by v.vendor_name,v.segment1,vs.vendor_site_code,,i.invoice_num,i.invoice_date,ps.due_date,i.invoice_amount,i.amount_paid,ps.amount_remaining,i.cancelled_date
order by due_date'
using v_due_date,v_due_date,v_due_date,v_due_date ;
l_row_tag := 'XXAPINVOICE'; --> Main Group Name
l_row_set_tag := 'XXNOBANK_DETAILS'; --> Inner Group Name
log_message('Call generate_xml procedure');
generate_xml(l_data_qry_cur, l_row_tag, l_row_set_tag, lv_xml_data);
log_message('Call print_xml_data procedure');
print_xml_data (lv_xml_data);
log_message('End of Processing');
p_errbuf := 'Program has completed successfully';
p_retcode := 0;
when others then
log_message('Error in ap_no_bank_report. '||sqlerrm);
p_errbuf := substr (ltrim (sqlerrm), 1, 254 );
p_retcode := 2;
end xx_sample_proc;
end xx_sample_pkg;
You may like another related post XML Publisher Report with Data Template as Data Source and Known Issues
>> Biru it is for you :)
I generally use this method when I have a single group for my report.
Step-by-step instruction to create a XML report using pl/sql package.
1> Prepare your query based on your business requirement.
2> Write a pl/sql packaged procedure to generate XML data.
3> Register the packaged procedure in Test application (Ex. Concurrent program short code : XXSAMXML).
4> Add to the respective request group.
5> Run the report and save the output as sample.xml
6> Create a rtf template (sample.rtf) on MS Word based on sample.xml (using BI Publisher Desktop)
BI Publisher Desktop, a client side tool which consits of a plugin to MS Word for building of RTF templates and the Template Viewer that can help you to test and debug all BI Publisher templates.
> Check if BI Publisher Desktop patch has been installed on your machine, if not you can download it from here respective to you desktop machine
> After installing this patch a new option with BIpublisher/'Template Builder' will appear in MS Word toolbar.
> Sometimes it does not, before MS 2010, what you can do is,
Goto Tools > Templates --> Add-Ins
> Check the in Global templates and Add-ins
> One more way to do
Goto Start > All Programs > Oracle BI Publisher Desktop > Template Viewer
> Working directory would be the directory where your xml file and template is there
> Select the data and Template and 'start Processing'
7> Registering this template in application.
> Create Data Definition
> Go to 'XML Publisher Administrator' > Data Definitions > Create Data definition
Imp:- Code must be same as the Concurrent Program Short name as XXSAMXML
> Create Template
> Click on 'Template' Tab and create the same.
> Browse and Add the previously created rtf (sample.rtf) as Template File.
1> 'XML Publisher Administrator' not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator
> Change your browser, IE to Mozila or Crome
> Logon to Functional Administrator responsibility
> Goto Core services > Caching Framework > Global configuration > Clear All Cache
> It should solve your issue.
2> "You are trying to access a page that is no longer active. - The referring page may have come from a previous session. Please select Home to proceed."
> Avoid using TAB key and use the flashlight icon to open up the List of Values.
3> Excel issue while opening the output file.(Only if you have selected output format as Excel in Data Definition)
"The file you are trying to open xxx.xlsx is in a different format than specified by the file extension. verify the file is not corrupted and is from trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?"
> Goto Start > Run > regedit
> Right click in the right window and choose New -> DWORD with name 'ExtensionHardening' and Value '0'.
Sample Packaged Procedure
1> Package Specification
CREATE OR REPLACE package apps.xx_sample_pkg
--// object name :: xx_sample_pkg
--// object type :: package specification
--// parameters :: n/a
--// object description :: This package contains all the procedures and
--// functions used for demostrating xml pl/sql report
--// vers author date description
--// 1.0 Abhay Kumar 24/10/2012 initial build
procedure xx_sample_proc (
p_errbuf out varchar2
,p_retcode out number
,p_due_date in varchar2
end xx_sample_pkg;
2> Package Body
CREATE OR REPLACE package body APPS.xx_sample_pkg
--// object name :: xx_sample_pkg
--// object type :: package Body
--// parameters :: n/a
--// object description :: This package contains all the procedures and
--// functions used for demostrating xml pl/sql report
--// vers author date description
--// 1.0 Abhay Kumar 24/10/2012 initial build
-- procedure: log_message
-- write message to concurrent log file
procedure log_message (p_message_in in varchar2)
apps.fnd_file.put_line (apps.fnd_file.log, p_message_in || '.');
end log_message;
-- -------------------------------------------------
-- procedure generate_xml
-- procedure to generate xml from the data in a clob
-- field
-- -------------------------------------------------
procedure generate_xml
p_ref_cur in sys_refcursor,
p_row_tag in varchar2,
p_row_set_tag in varchar2,
x_xml_data out nocopy clob
l_ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxhandle;
-- create a new context with the sql query
l_ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newcontext (p_ref_cur);
-- add tag names for rows and row sets
dbms_xmlgen.setrowsettag(l_ctx, p_row_tag);
dbms_xmlgen.setrowtag(l_ctx, p_row_set_tag);
-- generate xml data
x_xml_data := dbms_xmlgen.getxml (l_ctx);
when others then
log_message('Error generating XML ');
end generate_xml;
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- procedure print_xml_data
-- procedure to print xml data
-- ----------------------------------------------
procedure print_xml_data (p_xml_data in clob) is
l_amount number;
l_offset number;
l_length number;
l_data varchar2(32767);
l_length := nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(p_xml_data),0);
l_offset := 1;
l_amount := 16000;
exit when l_length <=0;, l_amount, l_offset, l_data);
apps.fnd_file.put(apps.fnd_file.output, l_data);
l_length := l_length - l_amount;
l_offset := l_offset + l_amount;
end loop;
when others then
log_message('Unexpected Error printing XML Output ');
end print_xml_data;
-- procedure: xx_sample_proc
procedure xx_sample_proc (
p_errbuf out varchar2
,p_retcode out number
,p_due_date in varchar2
-- local variables
v_due_date date;
lv_date_to date;
lv_xml_data clob;
l_data_qry_cur sys_refcursor;
l_row_tag varchar2(4000);
l_row_set_tag varchar2(4000);
l_task_from varchar2(3);
l_task_to varchar2(3);
l_data_qry_cur := null;
if p_due_date is not null then
select to_date(p_due_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
into v_due_date
from dual;
when others then
log_message('Error while converting Dates. '||sqlerrm);
end if;
log_message('From Date : '||v_due_date);
-- Data Query
open l_data_qry_cur for
'select invoice_num invoice_number,vendor_name supplier_name,segment1 supplier_number,vendor_site_code supplier_site,name operating_unit, invoice_date, due_date,cancelled_date,
invoice_amount,amount_paid,amount_remaining, invoice_amount,amount_remaining,Message
(select i.invoice_num,v.vendor_name,v.segment1,vs.vendor_site_code,,to_char(i.invoice_date,''DD/MM/YYYY'') invoice_date,to_char(ps.due_date,''DD/MM/YYYY'') due_date,to_char(i.cancelled_date,''DD/MM/YYYY'') cancelled_date,
i.invoice_amount,i.amount_paid,ps.amount_remaining, SUM(i.invoice_amount),sum(ps.amount_remaining),''Bank Details Are Missing On Invoice'' Message
from ap_payment_schedules_all ps,
ap_invoices_all i,
ap_suppliers v,
ap_supplier_sites_all vs,
hr_operating_units hu
where 1=1
and i.invoice_id = ps.invoice_id
and i.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
and i.vendor_site_id = vs.vendor_site_id
and i.payment_status_flag =''N''
and hu.organization_id = vs.org_id
and (nvl(ps.amount_remaining, 0) * nvl(i.exchange_rate,1)) != 0
and trunc(due_date) <= trunc(nvl(:v_due_date,due_date))
and i.external_bank_account_id is null
and exists (select ''Account Exixts''
from apps.iby_account_owners ao
where ao.account_owner_party_id = v.party_id)
group by v.vendor_name,v.segment1,vs.vendor_site_code,,i.invoice_num,i.invoice_date,ps.due_date,i.invoice_amount,i.amount_paid,ps.amount_remaining,i.cancelled_date
order by due_date'
using v_due_date,v_due_date,v_due_date,v_due_date ;
l_row_tag := 'XXAPINVOICE'; --> Main Group Name
l_row_set_tag := 'XXNOBANK_DETAILS'; --> Inner Group Name
log_message('Call generate_xml procedure');
generate_xml(l_data_qry_cur, l_row_tag, l_row_set_tag, lv_xml_data);
log_message('Call print_xml_data procedure');
print_xml_data (lv_xml_data);
log_message('End of Processing');
p_errbuf := 'Program has completed successfully';
p_retcode := 0;
when others then
log_message('Error in ap_no_bank_report. '||sqlerrm);
p_errbuf := substr (ltrim (sqlerrm), 1, 254 );
p_retcode := 2;
end xx_sample_proc;
end xx_sample_pkg;
You may like another related post XML Publisher Report with Data Template as Data Source and Known Issues
>> Biru it is for you :)